Flyer Delivery in Calgary

Flyer Delivery in Calgary

Price per Unit: 12 Cents
Minimun Units to be distribute: 5000

Special Targeting Neighborhood: 14 Cents
Minimun Units to be distribute: 5000
Distribution time: Take 2 days as distribution is schedule with an smaller crew 

Monday.         North West Areas 
Tuesday.        North East Areas 
Wednesday.  South East Areas 
Thursday.      South West Areas 
Friday.           Airdrie (Coming Soon)

Ask for, then We email: Neighborhood Schedule Dates, Number of Dwellings/Properties per Neighborhood.

Please Note: If your desired neighborhood is not in our schedule or in dates you want, we can arrange and special delivery crew to cover your campaign, however as per this crew is smaller we can only deliver a max of 2.500 Units per day.  

  • We set all flyers in plastic clear hang door bags
  • We need your printing/flyers 2 days prior to any campaign to properly place them into our bags 
  • This is the most effective as it does not fall or get wet.
  • All Flyers remain individually into the plastic bag
  • Because we are the ONLY flyer delivery or flyer distribution in Calgary that use this clean and organized system, customers more likely have the attention to unpack and review each flyer. 
  • We DONT deliver them into mail box or drop on step fronts.
  • We DONT Stack your flyer into any newspaper/magazine

Using our walking-pace as an measurement, We can set between 4000 - 6000 Flyers Pros Bags daily. This depending on weather & neighborhood (how close the properties can be or how big their estates are).

If any Flyers Pros Bag is left we have a tracking online system that will inform our customers 1. how many we could deliver 2. how many we kept for the next neighborhood campaign . 3. Exact street names we could cover en each campaign

For any special campaigns with targeted neighbourhoods we can only deliver between   2000 -2500 daily. This applies as a given example for any bottle drive, or local stores targeting local customers.  

In percentage 1 carrier can hang 60 - 100 Flyers Pros Bags  per hour

Our company Maple Print, is been around for 2 years. 

Initially we only distribute flyers about our own company, eventually it becomes to 2 and 3 customers we print for; now we have a group of 6 small and medium size companies joining our campaigns daily.

As the our flyer distribution is getting better and bigger our services implement and improve quality, service and functionality. 

We are launching separate dedicated website for our customers and branding Flyers Pros Bag.  

In our new website you will be able to:

  • Track distributed Streets / Neighbourhoods (Then you will feel comfortable asking a friend or checking your own property for our  Flyers Pros Bag.  
  • Online exposure for your flyers (What if people place a flyer in the recycling bin and they want to see it later again?, what if they are not in home and want to share your name to another friend?) Yes we want you to have online presence too thats why we scan your flyer and set it online at

  • We need 2 days to pack your printing to pack it into our  Flyers Pros Bag.  
  •  Depending on size of flyers we can pack from 3/4 x 7" to 11 1/2 x 11 1/2  into our Flyers Pros Bag. So measure your flyer to fit them properly 

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Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.


Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.

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